Monteleone: between Rite and Myth

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Church of SS. Crocefisso or Church of the Cross
The Church of SS. Crocefisso or The Church of the Cross was founded by the will of the Vicar Don Luca Piersanti in 1652, to carry out a popular mission. The building has got inscriptions on the two portals, the main one refers to Constantine's...
Church of Madonna del Carmelo
The Church of Madonna del Carmelo (now a private home) is enlarged on XVII century and related to the Opera Pia Salamandra, which was unharmed by the earthquake on 1703 , and preserves decorated doorposts and the convex lintel, with the inscriptio...
Church of St. Erasmus in Trivio
The Church of St. Erasmus in Trivio, founded in the mid-sixteenth century, has a Greek cross plan with two side chapels. It preserves Sixteenth-century frescoes (nave and apse) and reuses blocks of a nearby Roman building and a stone holy water wi...
Church of Saint Lucia
The Church of Saint Lucia, with its homonymous fountain of therapeutic waters, it is built in 1629-31 by De Rubeis. The lintel and the left jamb have reliefs and inscriptions. The shovel altar was moved to the Franciscan monastery of Monteleone fo...
Church and Complex of St. Francis
The church and the convent of San Francesco, built after the following settlement of the Franciscan friars (1280), preserve valuable artistic evidence, an epigraphic and sculptural collection and a collection of religious art, with works from Mont...
Church of Madonna delle Grazie in Butino
The Church of Madonna delle Grazie in Butino stands on the ruins of Vetranula castrum destroyed by the earthquake in 1328 and linked to the birth of the legendary "Strascinati", typical dish of Monteleone. A polychrome wooden sculpture o...
Church of Madonna di Castelvecchio
From the Church of Madonna di Castelvecchio there is a wooden sculpture dating back to the Romanesque foundation (Madonna with the Child of the thirteenth century, preserved in St. Francis). Latter transformations are evident in the building struc...
Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Ruscio
The Church of St. Anthony of Padua in Ruscio, rebuilt after the 1703 earthquake, is situated on a land belonging to the Convent of St. Francis. It has a stucco altar with an inscription that mentions the "Sequeri", a popular prayer usefu...
Church of San Gilberto or Liberto
The Church of San Gilberto, founded on the Lateran ground in 1365, is dedicated to the hermit Gilberto from Monteleone. The structure, rebuilt in the eighteenth and nineteenth century, preserved marble decorations and inscriptions dedicated to the...
Church of San Giovanni Battista
The Church of San Giovanni Battista, founded by Napoleone Tiberti in the early fourteenth century with a Hospice and a female House of  St. John order, is the location of the Buona Morte Confratenity (whose wooden sculpture of the seventeenth...
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